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Welcome Messages

Dear participants, guests and organizers of the 39 th International Chemistry Olympiad!

Next year the Olympiad will be held in Moscow, at Chemistry Department of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. It is a significant event for all of us because the founder of our University, outstanding encyclopedist Mikhail Lomonosov, paid great attention to scientific research in chemistry. His results and discoveries are not widely known abroad, but in Russia we regard him a predecessor of Lavoisier. IChO in Moscow will be an original tribute to the memory of the talented scientist and enlightener.

Thanks to International Chemistry Olympiad, young scientists improve their knowledge, develop decision-making skills, strengthen competitive spirit and express themselves. Olympiad is not just a scientific competition; it is an important stage for young people in becoming personalities capable of changing the world for the better.

Moscow State University has always been a reference point in the educational system of Russia. At the same time, exceptional importance of collaborative educational and scientific projects should not be forgotten. The International Chemistry Olympiad has proved to be effective for establishing contacts between scientists from different countries.

Science Olympiads for secondary school students are an essential part of Russian educational tradition. Such form of competition convincingly proved its efficiency in achieving the main goal of every school: to search for talented pupils capable of thinking creatively and making independent decisions. Furthermore, Olympiads suggest the strategy of education development and prepare best students to studying in many universities.

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University is always open for those who care of education and science, for those to whom scientific research has become a guiding star! We hope you will find many new friends here and enjoy your staying in Moscow!


Rector of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Professor, Member of Russian Academy of Sciences

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