Russian Federation
Population: 143.2 million
Capital: Moscow
Area: 17 million sq km (6.6 million sq miles)
Major language: Russian
Main religions: Christianity (mainly Orthodoxy), Islam, Buddhism
Political system: Federative republic
President: Vladimir Putin
Main exports: Oil and oil products, natural gas, wood, metals, chemicals, weapons
Currency: 1 ruble = 100 kopecks (100 rubles " 3,7 US dollars " 2,9 Euro)
Temperature in July: about +25њC (in Moscow)
Climate: moderate continental (in Moscow)
Time zone (Summer): GMT +3 (Moscow) to +13 (Kamchatka, Far East)
Internet domain: .ru
Dialing country code: +7
Russian cuisine: not spice, mainly based on flour, potato, vegetables, meat and fish
Traditional dishes: salty vegetables and mushrooms, herring, caviar, blin (kind of pancake), thick soups (borsch, solyanka, schi, ukha), pelmeni (meat dumplings)
Traditional drinks: soft drink kvass, light alcoholic medovukha (with honey), and vodka (on occasion, allowed to 18+ only)
Typical traits of character: hospitality, tolerance, collectivism, creativity
Lessons in Russian
Yes - Да [Da]
No - Нет [Net]
Please - Пожалуйста [pojaluista]
Thank You! - Спасибо! [spasibo]
Excuse me! - Извините! [izvinite]
Hello! - Здравствуйте! [zdravstvuite]
Good bye! - До свидания! [do svidaniya]
Hi! - Привет! [privet]
See you! - Пока! [poka]
Sure! - Конечно! [koneshno]