Elected members:
Representatives of Europe:
Manfred Kerschbaumer (Austria), chairman ; e-mail: mkersch@gmx.net
Alexander K. Gladilin (Russia); e-mail: gladilin@direct.ru
Wesley Browne (Ireland); e-mail: w.r.browne@rug.nl
Representative of the Americas
Carlos Castro-Acuna (Mexico); e-mail: castroacuna02@yahoo.com
Representatives of Asia and the Pacific Rim:
Marc Ellison (Australia); e-mail: u3903111@anu.edu.au
Duckwhan Lee (Korea); e-mail: duckhwan@sogang.ac.kr
Non - elected members:
Representatives of the organizers:
Valerie Lunin (Russia); e-mail: vlunin@kge.msu.ru
Andras Kotschy (Hungary); e-mail: kotschy@chem.elte.hu
Peter Wothers (United Kingdom); e-mail: pdw12@cam.ac.uk
Represantative from Japan
Wolfgang Hampe (Germany); e-mail: hampe@t-online.de
Gabor Magyarfalvi (Hungary); e-mail: gmagyarf@chem.elte.hu
Kurt Nielsen (Denmark); e-mail: Kurt_B_Nielsen@post.tele.dk
Anton Sirota (Slovakia); e-mail: anton.sirota@stuba.sk