Impressions of trip to Moscow
Duckhwan Lee (Organizer of the IChO-2006, Korea)
Dear friends,
My first trip to Moscow was a real success, far greater than my expectation. First of all, the Meeting was incredibly well-organized and fruitful. It was absolutely the most efficient meeting that I ever attended.
I am fully confident that the IChO-2007 in Moscow will be one of the most successful in the history of International Chemistry Olympiads, probably the second to the IChO-2006! You have everything necessary, auditoriums and labs and wonderful people, at the Moscow State University, clearly one of the most incredible institutions in the world, to make the IChO-2007 successful.
I only would like to see more lights in the Chemistry building.(:>)
In addition, the foods, especially the Unkrainian ones, were so delicious and colorful. I personally like the "Borsha"(?) soup the best. Furthermore, I was really impressed by the way the buildings are being constructed and maintained in so clean manner. I also greatly enjoyed the rich historical heritages including those beautiful churches.
I would like to thank all of you, Vadim, Sasha, Anna, Lena, Victor, who have been so wonderful in making the Meeting successful. Your hospitalities will be remembered for long. I would also like to express my gratitude to Professor Lunin who was so kind to us.
Once more, I wish all of you the best luck in the preparation of the upcoming IChO-2007.
Duckhwan Lee
Organizer of the IChO-2006
Professor of Chemistry, Sogang University, Korea
Carlos (Mexico)
Dear Sasha, Vadim and Anna,
Thank you very much! It has been a wonderful time and it's hard to think about some improvement.
Perhaps, I would like to have seen the students' accommodations, but I understand that it was very far.
For the ICHO I would like to have guides, who speak good Spanish for all Spanish-talking countries and Portuguese for Brazil and to receive information about visa procedures as soon as possible,
If the practical test needs explanations, it would be very important that our students can understand them.
It's the only topic that comes to my mind.
I am sure, that you have the experience to assure a wonderful and very well organized ICHO.
Thanks and thanks, Carlos.
Kurt (Denmark, one-time chairman of the committee)
Thank you for a nice stay, I think that the Hotel is really good. The food was also very good. The organizing of the meeting was also very good. The day in the Kremlin and the Diamond Room was very impressing - I think that the visit should be a part of the official tour for mentors. The planning of the scientific part - the labs- was also OK.
All together a very nice experiment.
Sincerely yours, Kurt
Manfred (Austria, actual chairman)
Everything very well looked after!!
1.Make sure that in every competition there is a part to be solved successfully by the "weak" students.
The competition should be challenging for the good ones, but also not disappointing for others.
2. Practical competition:
Make sure that there is no problem where students might get full marks or nothing ("quantum maths") due to luck! (some years in organic synthesis!)
Good luck for July,2007.
Wolfgang (Germany, 2004 organizer)
Dear Sasha and Vadim,
My impression is that I cannot make and proposals for the organization of the ICHO. This meeting of the Steering Committee was so well organized, the hotel fine, the food excellent and oversufficient - if you keep this standard everybody will be happy.
Among the Steering Committee there was no problem to communicate, as we always sat in one room. During in the Olympiad it would be fine if there is a special room, not the bar, not the lobby, where mentors, observers and guests could come together and talk. We didn't have such a room in Germany nor in Taipeh and in Korea on one evening that might it was crowded.
Your Russian team and the teams of some other countries have a very high standard. The problems will be difficult to select the good students from the very good and excellent ones. But there are a lot of countries that operate on a lower level. For them each theoretical problem should start with 1 or 2 very easy questions and the difficulties should increase slowly within the problem.
Thank you for your hospitality, Wolfgang
Andreas Cochy (Hungary, 2008 organizer)
Report on 40 ICHO preparations
2005 formation of the Organizing Commitee
Prof. L.Srepes president of 40 ICHO
Prof. A.Kobody, chairman of the OC
Dr. G.Magyarfalvi scientific co-chairman of the OC
Dr. S.Igar
Dr.S.Bransoi (Ministry of Education)
Mr. Gy Srakacs-Nemere (Ministry of Education)
2006 Design (logo, stationary, webpage) completed. Construction of the website in progress IT work supporting the organization in progress. 2 SO-s at the 38th ICHO in Korea. Kich-off meeting of the Scientific Committee. Preparation of a governmental order concerning 40 ICHO in progress.
Suggestions: Make trans-Moscow transfers as few as possible. Suggest to countries to apply for tourist visa (through DanAppy)